Blackburn’s Role During COVID-19

We can help. We are a resource. Let’s talk about how we can make your jobs easier during this emergency. 

This crisis is revealing to us how much we depend on the trucking industry to keep our food and medicine networks functioning. Over the next several weeks, we will be seeing more surges in demand for medical supplies, sanitation materials, protective personal equipment, food, paper supplies and fuel among other essential goods. If you have a role in these supply chains, thank you for doing what you do.

Blackburn Energy can help fleet owners and freight carriers maximize uptime, keep trucks on the road, their batteries fully charged and drivers comfortable living on the road with RelGen. Our patented technology is specifically designed to prevent low voltage issues with liftgate batteries and depleted auxiliary and starter batteries that strand trucks. We enable drivers to live and work comfortably during long hours.

We understand that during this time the trucking industry needs to perform its best. We can help. Call or email our Sales Director Mark at 978-325-2729 or

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